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Raziel: Are you telling me you went out clubbing all night and didn't pick up?
Kael: I'm afraid Australian boys aren't really up to my high standards for the most part.
Raziel: They're not?
Kael: Have you seen the way they dress?
Raziel: Well... ^^;
Kael: And my luck is only so-so when it comes to meeting imports.

Raziel: Imports?
Kael: Foreigners. They at least tend to have more interest in their appearance. There is nothing quite so attractive as a good looking boy who takes the time to make himself look even better. Knowing you look good is one thing. Making the most of it is another entirely. And that's something Australian boys don't seem to appreciate.
Raziel: ... we're all imports in this apartment.
Kael: Yes, I know. Which is why I'm still here.